The World’s 6 Most Successful Entrepreneurs

While these individuals are some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs and innovators, there is a harsh reality that many business owners must face: most small businesses don’t make it past their first year.

These entrepreneurs defied the odds and grew their businesses to be the largest and most successful in the world. Here are the world’s most successful entrepreneurs.

6. Walt Disney

Starting out as a talented animator for an advertising company, Walt Disney began creating his own animated short clips in a studio garage during the 1920s. In 1928, inspired by the mice which wandered his office, Disney created Mickey Mouse and made him the hero of ‘Steamboat Willie’.

The success of Mickey Mouse allowed Disney to form a cartoon factory complete with teams of musicians, artists, and animators which ultimately became the largest media company in the world.

5. Bill Gates

When considering what has made Bill Gates so successful, mention must be made of his intensely competitive nature. Gates successfully fought and won the OS and browser wars and made the intelligent decision to save the profits of Microsoft’s dominance to invest in future ventures.

This decision funded expansion during the good times and saw Gates’ company through the hard times.

4. Steve Jobs

In 1976 Steve Jobs co-founded Apple which is one of the only companies to offer a significant challenge to the dominance of Gates’ Microsoft. When Jobs returned to the company in 1997 – which is coincidentally also around the time of the rise of real money online pokies – Apple was simply a computer company, but the creative innovation of Jobs saw the release of the iPod, iPhone, and the iPad which pushed the company past the once untouchable Microsoft.

3. Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg co-founded the social media network Facebook in 2004 and is now the company’s CEO. Not only is he one of the world’s youngest billionaires, but Zuckerberg has also pledged to donate 99% of his Facebook holdings to charity.

What started out as a networking site for college students has grown to become the biggest social media network in the world and Facebook recently acquired both Instagram and WhatsApp.

2. Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos, the founder and CEO of the e-commerce colossus Amazon, has a net worth of $131 billion and is officially the world’s richest entrepreneur. Started as an online bookstore in 1994, Bezos continued to add more product categories and today Amazon is the world’s largest online shopping platform.

The company has also diversified their interests over the years to include Amazon Web Services, Alexa, Audible and much, much more.

1. Larry Page

Alphabet Inc. is the holding company of tech giant Google and Larry Page is its co-founder and CEO. Besides being the world’s largest search engine, Google also offers many other popular web and digital services such as YouTube, Maps, Cloud, Gmail, and Drive, but Page has further ambitions.

Not one to rest on his laurels, Page has also taken on various initiatives in the health and smart home sectors through Alphabet Inc.